Ploss Valve

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Ploss Valve

Interest is growing in the clinical use of sutureless (SU) valves. However, indications in some anatomical sub-settings, like bicuspid aortic valves (BAV), have been so far limited. We discuss herein our initial experience with the implantation of the 3f Enable SU bioprosthesis in patients with a BAV. Patients with a BAV were selected in our unit between March 2011 and September 2014 for a SU. Respondents' review of the echo-Doppler study report from July 22, 2009, revealed that Mr. Ploss had 'moderate mitral regurgitation that showed insufficiency of the mitral valve due to mitral valve prolapse, rheumatic heart disease, or a complication of cardiac dilation.'

Minor pressure and head loss in pipes, tubes and duct systems

Pressure loss in straight pipes or ducts are called the major, linear or friction loss. Pressure loss in components like valves, bends, tees and similar are called the minor, dynamic or local loss.

Minor loss can be significant compared to major loss. In fact - when a valve is closed or nearly closed - the minor loss is infinite. For an open valve the minor loss can often be neglected (typical for a full bore ball valve).

Minor Loss

The pressure drop or the minor loss in a component correlates to the dynamic pressure in the flow and can be expressed as

Δpminor_loss = ξ pd

= ξ ρf v2 / 2 (1)


ξ = minor loss coefficient

pd = dynamic pressure in fluid flow (Pa (N/m2), psf (lb/ft2))

Δpminor_loss = minor pressure loss (Pa (N/m2), psf (lb/ft2))

ρf = density of fluid (kg/m3, slugs/ft3)

v = flow velocity (m/s, ft/s)

The minor loss can be expressed as head water column by dividing the dynamic pressure with the specific weight of water

Δhminor_loss,w = (ξ ρf v2 / 2) / γw

= ρf v2 / 2) / (ρwg)

= ξ ρfv2 / (2 ρwg) (2)


Δhminor_loss,w = minor head loss as water column (m H2O, ft H2O)

γw = ρw g = specific weight of water or reference fluid (9807 N/m3, 62.4 lbf/ft3)

g = acceleration of gravity (9.81 m/s2, 32.174 ft/s2)

  • 1 psf = 0.00694 psi (lb/in2)
Ploss Valve

Note! - in the equation above the head is related to water as the reference fluid. Another reference fluid can be used - like Mercury Hg - by replacing the density of water with the density of the reference fluid - check Velocity Pressure Head.

If the flowing fluid has the same density as the reference fluid - typical for a water flow - eq. (2) can simplified to

Δhminor_loss = ξ v2 / (2 g) (2b)


Δhminor_loss = minor head loss (column of flowing fluid) (m fluid column, ft fluid column)

Minor Loss Coefficient

The minor loss coefficient - ξ - values ranges from 0 and upwards. For ξ = 0 the minor loss is zero and for ξ = 1 the minor loss is equal to the dynamic pressure or head. The minor loss coefficient can also be greater than 1 for some components.

The minor loss coefficient can be expressed by rearranging (1) to

Ploss Valve Pic

ξ = 2 Δpminor_loss / (ρf v2) (3)

The minor loss coefficient can alternatively be expressed by rearranging (2) to

ξ = 2 ρwg Δhminor_loss,w / (ρfv2) (4)

The dynamic loss in components depends primarily on the geometrical construction of the component and the impact the construction has on the fluid flow due to change in velocity and cross flow fluid accelerations.

The fluid properties - in general expressed with the Reynolds number - also impacts the minor loss.

Minor loss information about components are given in dimensionless form based on experiments.

Equivalent Length

The dynamic minor loss in a component can be converted to an equivalent length of pipe or tube that would give the same major loss.

Major loss in a fluid flow can be expressed as

Δpmajor_loss = λ (l / dh) (ρf v2 / 2) (5)


Δpmajor_loss = major (friction) pressure loss in fluid flow (Pa (N/m2), psf (lb/ft2))

λ = Darcy-Weisbach friction coefficient

l = length of duct or pipe (m, ft)

v = velocity of fluid (m/s, ft/s)

dh = hydraulic diameter (m, ft)

ρf = density of fluid (kg/m3, slugs/ft3)

If we want the minor loss to be equal to the major loss for a given equivalent length of pipe or duct - then


Δpminor_loss = Δpmajor_loss, eq (6)


or by combining (1) and (2)

ξ ρf v2 / 2 = λ (leq / dh) (ρf v2 / 2) (6b)


Δpmajor_loss, eq= equivalent major loss (Pa (N/m2), psf (lb/ft2))

leq = equivalent pipe length (m, ft)

(6b) can be reduced and rearranged to express equivalent length as

leq = ξ dh / λ (7)

The total head loss in a pipe, tube or duct system, is the same as that produced in a straight pipe or duct whose length is equal to the pipes of the original systems - plus the sum of the equivalent lengths of all components in the system.

Ploss valve pic

Interest is growing in the clinical use of sutureless (SU) valves. However, indications in some anatomical sub-settings, like bicuspid aortic valves (BAV), have been so far limited. We discuss herein our initial experience with the implantation of the 3f Enable SU bioprosthesis in patients with a BAV. Patients with a BAV were selected in our unit between March 2011 and September 2014 for a SU. Respondents' review of the echo-Doppler study report from July 22, 2009, revealed that Mr. Ploss had 'moderate mitral regurgitation that showed insufficiency of the mitral valve due to mitral valve prolapse, rheumatic heart disease, or a complication of cardiac dilation.'

Minor pressure and head loss in pipes, tubes and duct systems

Pressure loss in straight pipes or ducts are called the major, linear or friction loss. Pressure loss in components like valves, bends, tees and similar are called the minor, dynamic or local loss.

Minor loss can be significant compared to major loss. In fact - when a valve is closed or nearly closed - the minor loss is infinite. For an open valve the minor loss can often be neglected (typical for a full bore ball valve).

Minor Loss

The pressure drop or the minor loss in a component correlates to the dynamic pressure in the flow and can be expressed as

Δpminor_loss = ξ pd

= ξ ρf v2 / 2 (1)


ξ = minor loss coefficient

pd = dynamic pressure in fluid flow (Pa (N/m2), psf (lb/ft2))

Δpminor_loss = minor pressure loss (Pa (N/m2), psf (lb/ft2))

ρf = density of fluid (kg/m3, slugs/ft3)

v = flow velocity (m/s, ft/s)

The minor loss can be expressed as head water column by dividing the dynamic pressure with the specific weight of water

Δhminor_loss,w = (ξ ρf v2 / 2) / γw

= ρf v2 / 2) / (ρwg)

= ξ ρfv2 / (2 ρwg) (2)


Δhminor_loss,w = minor head loss as water column (m H2O, ft H2O)

γw = ρw g = specific weight of water or reference fluid (9807 N/m3, 62.4 lbf/ft3)

g = acceleration of gravity (9.81 m/s2, 32.174 ft/s2)

  • 1 psf = 0.00694 psi (lb/in2)

Note! - in the equation above the head is related to water as the reference fluid. Another reference fluid can be used - like Mercury Hg - by replacing the density of water with the density of the reference fluid - check Velocity Pressure Head.

If the flowing fluid has the same density as the reference fluid - typical for a water flow - eq. (2) can simplified to

Δhminor_loss = ξ v2 / (2 g) (2b)


Δhminor_loss = minor head loss (column of flowing fluid) (m fluid column, ft fluid column)

Minor Loss Coefficient

The minor loss coefficient - ξ - values ranges from 0 and upwards. For ξ = 0 the minor loss is zero and for ξ = 1 the minor loss is equal to the dynamic pressure or head. The minor loss coefficient can also be greater than 1 for some components.

The minor loss coefficient can be expressed by rearranging (1) to

Ploss Valve Pic

ξ = 2 Δpminor_loss / (ρf v2) (3)

The minor loss coefficient can alternatively be expressed by rearranging (2) to

ξ = 2 ρwg Δhminor_loss,w / (ρfv2) (4)

The dynamic loss in components depends primarily on the geometrical construction of the component and the impact the construction has on the fluid flow due to change in velocity and cross flow fluid accelerations.

The fluid properties - in general expressed with the Reynolds number - also impacts the minor loss.

Minor loss information about components are given in dimensionless form based on experiments.

Equivalent Length

The dynamic minor loss in a component can be converted to an equivalent length of pipe or tube that would give the same major loss.

Major loss in a fluid flow can be expressed as

Δpmajor_loss = λ (l / dh) (ρf v2 / 2) (5)


Δpmajor_loss = major (friction) pressure loss in fluid flow (Pa (N/m2), psf (lb/ft2))

λ = Darcy-Weisbach friction coefficient

l = length of duct or pipe (m, ft)

v = velocity of fluid (m/s, ft/s)

dh = hydraulic diameter (m, ft)

ρf = density of fluid (kg/m3, slugs/ft3)

If we want the minor loss to be equal to the major loss for a given equivalent length of pipe or duct - then

Δpminor_loss = Δpmajor_loss, eq (6)

or by combining (1) and (2)

ξ ρf v2 / 2 = λ (leq / dh) (ρf v2 / 2) (6b)


Δpmajor_loss, eq= equivalent major loss (Pa (N/m2), psf (lb/ft2))

leq = equivalent pipe length (m, ft)

(6b) can be reduced and rearranged to express equivalent length as

leq = ξ dh / λ (7)

The total head loss in a pipe, tube or duct system, is the same as that produced in a straight pipe or duct whose length is equal to the pipes of the original systems - plus the sum of the equivalent lengths of all components in the system.

Example - Equivalent Length of Gate Valve

The equivalent length of a 50 mm gatevalve with loss coefficient0.26 when 1/4 closed located in a steel pipe with friction coefficient0.03 can be calculated with (7) as

leq = 0.26 (0.05 m) / 0.03

= 0.4 m

Ploss Valve

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Ploss Valve

  • en: minor loss pipe tube duct system
  • es: sistema de conductos de tubo tubo de pérdida menor
  • de: geringen Verlust Rohr Rohrleitungssystem
Anesthesiologists are responsible for monitoring the patient's vital signs during surgery. Twin brothers Robert Earl Ploss, M.D. (1922-2015) and William Roger Ploss, M.D. (b. 1922) were both anesthesiologists and inventors. In 1955, they introduced a device that could simultaneously monitor the patient's blood pressure, pulse, and respiration. It consisted of earpieces and two diaphragms, together with tubes and connectors that could attach these to any ordinary blood pressure cuff. The tubes were long enough to enable the anesthesiologist to use the device while seated at the head of the operating table.
One of the diaphragms would be fixed to the patient's chest with an adhesive pad. The other would be placed under the blood pressure cuff. The central part of the device is a three-way valve (also called a switch valve) in which all of the tubes converge. When the blood pressure cuff was inflated, the switch closed the acoustic pickup from the chestpiece. Shown here is an example of the second model, introduced in 1968. It was made by 3M and sold under the trademarked name 'Ploss Monitorscope'. By the 1980s, it had been made obsolete by an increasing number of electronic monitors of patient vital signs.

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